Tutorial Proposals
The ICME 2024 organising committee invites proposals for tutorials. We welcome half-day tutorials (about 3 hours each) on established or emerging topics of interest, including (but not limited to):
- 3D multimedia, AR/VR and immersive media
- Emerging multimedia applications and technologies
- Multimedia analysis and understanding
- Multimedia communications, networking and mobility
- Multimedia databases and mining
- Multimedia quality assessment and metrics
- Multimedia security, privacy and forensics
- Multimedia standards, trends and related research
- Multi-modal media computing, interaction and human machine
- Social media analysis and applications
- Speech/audio processing
- Image/video processing
Tutorial proposals should be in PDF format and must be no longer than 4 pages. All proposals should include the following information:
- Title of the Tutorial
- Names and Affiliations of the Instructors
- Area and Keywords of the Tutorial (refer to the above list of topics)
- 300-word Abstract (for publicity and registration purposes)
- Full Description of the Tutorial (including the learning objectives, tutorial outline, detailed modules, target audience, prerequisite knowledge required, importance and relevance of the tutorial, etc.)
- CV’s for the Instructors (including publications relevant to the proposed tutorial and list of tutorials given before in other conferences/workshops)
Evaluation criteria
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Timeliness of the proposal and relevance to IEEE ICME 2024
- Quality of the proposal
- Target audience
Please submit the proposals in PDF format to the relevant Tutorial chairs.
Important Dates
Tutorial proposal submission deadline 15-Dec-23, All submissions are due 11:59PM Pacific time.
Tutorial Chairs

Zhu Li
U Missouri, USA

Ivan Bajic
Simon Fraser, Canada